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Don’t Sell with “Bla, Bla, Bla” when “Bla” will do


In this day and age of digital marketing, postcards still retain its relevance as being a highly effective marketing tool to attract the attention of potential customers. 

In fact, according to the United States Postal Service, over 90% of households visit their mailbox daily!

A common mistake we see all the time?  Explaining vs. Highlighting! 

Postcards should be used to highlight the benefits provided by your particular product or service.  Don’t ever make the mistake of using them to explain the benefits of a product in great detail.

So what’s the difference between “Highlighting” and “Explaining?”

On the surface this appears to be an east question to answer.  Highlighting is simply calling attention to something, pointing something out or providing emphasis.  Explaining is making a product or service clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas.

However knowing how much of each to make your postcard effective is key to your success.  Here’s a general rule of thumb.  If your product or service is well known, such as pizza, then spend time highlighting the key differentiators of your pizza.  Mama’s unique recipe for unbelievable flavor, massive slices to fill you up or fresh farm-to-table ingredients so you know you’re getting great quality.

Conversely, if your product or service is unknown or unique to your market, then more explanation will be required.  For example, if you offer a new technology, you will need to take a few sentences to explain what the technology will do for the customer.  Be careful you don’t spend too much time explaining the technology…people don’t care.  They want to know what’s in it for them. “WIIFM”…(more on that topic in another post.)

Simple Rule to Live By

Don’t try to close sales directly from your postcard.  There’s simply not enough space to provide all the information needed to do so.  I know this can be challenging.  We spend all day working in our business consequently our minds are programmed to think internally.  Use the postcard instead to make an immediate impact, grab the reader’s attention and then lead them to the next step that can close a sale; i.e., visiting your sales webpage, coming to a grand opening, or using a coupon.

For a great resource to help you create the perfect responding postcard template – head over to http://www.prospectsplus.com/Page.asp?name=Best-Postcards 

There you’ll a list of the 10 Critical Best Practices of Postcard Marketing.   Or if you get stuck and need help designing a highly responsive postcard, give our team a call at 877-222-6010.  We love this stuff!

Your Image Is Everything (Maybe.)

The correct use of images in your marketing is just as important as the text – sometimes even more important.

You’ll find that strong visuals have a powerful impact on drawing people into taking action. 

So how do you know if you’re choosing the right image?  There are four main things to think about when choosing an image for a postcard marketing campaign:

  1. Match your image to your target market.
  2. Your images should support an effective call-to-action.
  3. Tailor your images to drive conversation.
  4. Test the effectiveness of your images.

All four of these tasks are related. Let’s go ahead and jump into the first topic.

1.) Match Your Image to Your Market

Relevance generates response.  Meaning, the more your target customer can relate to the image on the postcard, the higher the attraction will be.  If you sell motorcycle parts for touring bikes, perhaps an image of a baby boomer with a satisfied look on their face as they ride the open road.  Make sure your customer “sees” themselves using your product or service.

2.) Images Should Support an Effective Call-to-Action.

What your postcard readers see can elicit a response which determines what they’ll do next, whether it’s going forward with a call-to-action or throwing your postcard in the trash bin.

Your image needs to create or stir some emotion in the person it is being seen by. People are usually enticed to purchase things based on an emotional response, not reason.

Think about it; if you got a postcard in the mail today asking you to donate to an animal abuse charity, and on that postcard it had a picture of a happy dog jumping in the air and catching a ball, what emotional response might you have? At best, feelings are mixed – your image is not supporting the action you want the reader to take. Now, if you got a postcard with a sad looking dog tied to a chain you’re going to have a different response from the postcard outlined seen above. This visual will pull you in more because the visual is more dramatic and fits with the overall message.

3.) Tailor Your Images to Drive Conversation.

A good rule of thumb is to look for images that will get people talking. Not only do these images tend to be the best options for creating an emotional response, they can often help cement your message in the reader’s mind as they ponder it internally or discuss it with others. A great marketing campaign can elicit such a wide conversation that people are talking about your company and its marketing to their friends, family and online, quadrupling the reach of your postcard marketing. Use images that will be a conversation starter and you can’t lose.

4.) Test the Effectiveness of Your Images.

You will want to see if your images are getting the response you would like. You may want to divide your tests into groups so you can have more control over it as a whole. Run a couple of small split campaigns and see how they do in each area. Each time, modify and perfect your marketing message.

Follow these four tips when you’re choosing images and you’ll see a marked increase in your postcard marketing results. 

Need help?  www.prospectsplus.com offers multiple design options.  Design your own, customize “Done-for-you” templates or have a custom postcard created specifically for your business.  Call, click or chat today to speak with one of our target marketing experts.

You Don’t Need ESP to Know What Customers Want

Demographics and Psychographics in Marketing

Marketing is a lot of Subjective “Guess Work”.  We get it…  

Sometimes you even pay to figure out what doesn’t work.  It can be very frustrating.

But technology and “Big Data” (There’s that word again) can remove a ton of that frustration.

It’s no secret that matching your marketing message to your marketing segment is a classic one-two punch strategy that works.  It’s the best way to find the hand-raisers and referrals you are looking for.

Before big data entered the arena however, that was a strategy that was often more guess-work than real science. Fortunately, with the advance of data research and the folks over at Nielson, PRIZM Data makes finding those segments of the consumer population a whole lot easier!

As a general rule of thumb, the term ‘demographic’ refers to an individual or group’s physical traits: location, ethnicity, gender, age, etc. The term ‘psychographic’ will generally refer to the same individual or group’s mode of thinking.

So, something like how they spend their money, what they like and dislike, and how they “tick.”

As customer needs become more specific and complex, you will need start using both target demographics AND a target psychographic in your marketing plan.

Increasing Direct Mail Response Rates with Demographics and Psychographics

The use of demographics and psychographics can play an important part in targeted postcard marketing when fine-tuning the audience for your postcards.

Assume you are trying to market a new men’s gym. With the correct demographic data you can specifically target local households that have male residents between the age of 18 and 60. With the right psychographics data, you can zoom in on those residents who have been shown to have an interest in health, fitness or self-improvement, or are more likely to be interested in them. Targeting just these households will see your marketing costs go right down, and your response rates shoot right up.

Mixing Demographics and Psychographics

Although demographic and psychographics are two different marketing data collection methodologies, they do share some similarities. For example, one can infer through cultural stereotypes that men are not interested in the “best birth control pill for your body” as men do not generally take hormonal birth control.

What one is doing here is taking largely demographic data and converting it to psychographic data by simply having a basic understanding of general human rules and cultural stereotypes. This understanding, although not always necessarily the most politically correct to publish, can have a tremendous impact on a small business’ profit margin if performed correctly and the data is accurate.

Some large companies have whole departments dedicated to finding both psychographic and demographic data and use this to their advantage. The fact is, with this information the opportunities for targeted growth are almost endless.

With today’s technology, you can leveraging both target demographics and psychographics, with one simple click of a mouse.

Head over to www.mapmymail.com and take a look through all the data segments we have available.

From the basic – High income consumers, baby boomers, etc. to the customized PRIZM selects – you can find the folks you most want to work with.

You can also head over to see a comprehensive, detailed listing of PRIZM code data segments here.

For a great resource to help you use all the tools at your fingertips, visit the Resources page on www.prospectsplus.com

There you’ll see how to easily match the free reports that are available with the postcards that work for the demographics you like!  Need help? Give our team a call at 877-222-6010

Survey Reveals Postcard Marketing Gets The Best Response Among US Households

In planning your ad campaign for your business, you have probably wondered what kinds of offline advertisements are most effective.

What is your best choice in an accountable and measurable transaction that is data rich and can provide your business with the best return on investment (ROI) for your advertising dollar?

You’ll need a method that appeals to your potential customers and results in a list of solid leads and/or action on your best offers. For these purposes, direct mail marketing with postcards is still one of the best tactics.

The Numbers behind Postcard Marketing

In 2012, the Direct Marketing Association released the results of a limited survey they had performed. In this study, postcards were mailed to people listed in a current customer file.

This list consisted of customers who had opted into the company’s mailing list and of customers with whom the company had done business. The response rate on this mailing was 2.47%. This is eight times the industry average!  A similar mailing was done targeting prospective customers. These were customers whose names had been acquired through a lead supplier. Response rate from this list was 1.12%.

Let’s try comparing these results with data gathered by the United States Postal Service (USPS).

In their 2012 Household Study report, the USPS surveyed a broad public audience regarding response rates for various types of mailings. They found that the greatest percentage of people (23.4%) across the board indicated that they would respond to a postcard advertisement or request for donation.

That’s almost a quarter of US households!

The only other type of mailing to come anywhere close to this high percentage response rate was over-sized envelopes. Even so, only 16.6% of those surveyed said that they would respond to advertisements or requests for donations that they had received in larger than letter-size envelopes. This survey was conducted across all demographics in the US.

What Is So Appealing About Postcards?

Customers like the fact that it is easy to see what the message is about. Additionally, they appreciate the thriftiness of the format. It is not wasteful of resources, and it does not waste their time. Messages are usually concise, brief and easy to understand. Those surveyed also said they like the fact that it was easy to keep the postcard as a reminder of the offer in case they wanted to think about it and respond later.

Business owners’ reasons for preferring postcard marketing are similar to those of postcard recipients. Postcards are low-cost and provide an impressive return on investment when compared to all other means of offline direct marketing.


The Value of a Marketing Strategy in Direct Mail

There is an important correlation between the success of direct mail marketing and the type of marketing strategy chosen.

Direct mail marketing through brochures, newsletters, postcards, catalogs sales letters and flyers has been proven to be the most effective and the most profitable means of marketing.

Using direct mail marketing is a popular choice for those wanting to reach a large amount of customers for the least amount of money, but it takes a solid strategy to really reap all the rewards.

There are four major components of a successful marketing campaign that play an important part in creating the perfect marketing strategy. Choosing the right target market, promoting the right message, presenting the right offer and creating the right campaign all are critical when using direct mail marketing.

Identify the Target Market

Perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing to use direct mail marketing is the target market. Although direct marketing is considered a wise choice when it comes to making marketing dollars stretch, it’s very important to start with identifying the target market. Consider this, if a popular, hip rock star was to send out thousands of flyers promoting the concert to a religious group of older women, it’s almost guaranteed that there would not be a good turnout simply because the wrong target market was chosen. If the direct marketing is to be successful, the correct target market must be identified.

Promote a Consistent Message

Promoting the right message and choosing the correct design are also critical parts of creating a successful marketing strategy. Promoting the right message goes hand-in-hand with identifying the target market. Not promoting the correct message and design could have a negative effect on the success of direct mail marketing, especially if consumers are not clear about what the marketing message is. It’s safe to say that if it’s hard to decipher what exactly is being promoted, people tend to lose interest and the direct mail marketing can become useless.

Think about the need that your product fulfills and the problem that it solves for the customer.

Present the Right Offer

When creating a successful marketing strategy, it’s important to know what offers to present to the consumer, as well as how to present the offer. Timing is very important when it comes to choosing the right offer. For instance, a zoo might decide to offer discounts during off-seasons in order to boost sales. In this case, consumers who normally wouldn’t choose to visit the zoo in the middle of the winter might be tempted to go if there were some incentives to go during off-peak season.

Run the Right Campaign

When creating a successful market strategy, a lot of emphasis must be placed on creating the right marketing campaign. How long the campaign is expected to last is critical when creating the perfect strategy. In the case of the zoo, it may be wise to present certain offers during the off-peak season and not the peak season.

How often the campaign or strategy is used is also very important. When creating a successful marketing strategy, it’s important to keep the campaign fresh and to change up the strategy in order to avoid having a boring campaign.

Setting concrete expiration times is also an important part of building a successful marketing strategy. Setting expiration times for campaigns and promotions also helps to create a sense of urgency. All of these components play an important role when it comes to creating a successful marketing strategy.


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Our team of Expert Designers will help you create the perfect postcard.

Every Door Direct Mail™ is a great way to get your marketing message in every door – and for less money than traditional direct mailings.

We can deliver your mailings directly to you or your local post office. Choose from various different sizes and custom design packages.

Call (877) 222-6010 Today

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Speak with an EDDM Specialist

 Full Name *  
 Email *  
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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″]

5.5″ X 11.5″

Every Door Direct Mail 5 1/2 x 11

[/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″]

12″ x 15″
12x15 Postcard EDDM

[/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″]

8.5″ X 11″

Letter Size Postcard EDDM


Not sure who to send to? No worries…

The way this system works is that it’s less about the WHO and more about the WHERE.

The USPS™ folks have made it REALLY EASY – they’ve got this handy mapping tool that lets you choose which areas you want to connect with.

They’ll tell you HOW MANY are on that postal route and give you option the to de-select businesses if you want.

If you need help with a custom design, choosing your routes, or any other questions, just call us at 877-222-6010 and speak with one of our EDDM™ Specialists.