There is a lot of information on the Internet for businesses looking to improve their marketing results. Sometimes it can make marketing seem like a deadly serious undertaking, best left to the experts.
We’d like to put you a bit more at ease on the topic, so consider this: If you’re doing any kind of direct mail marketing, give yourself a pat on the back. Any kind is better than none at all.
But there’s always room for improvement, right?
Here we have seven little goofs that reduce the effectiveness of your postcard marketing. Be aware of them and you’ll never make the same goof again (and your results will improve):
1.) Not Proofreading the Copy
Did you know that a single error in your copy may cost you half of your sales? This is based on a report of a UK lingerie company whose sales doubled after they found and corrected a spelling error in their marketing copy. Typos, such misplaced or omitted apostrophes (writing “it’s” when it should be “its”) reduce your credibility and the prospects or customer’s trust. Solution: Hire a proofreader (it’s not expensive) or get someone who is sufficiently literate to proofread all marketing copy and ensure it is free of errors.
2.) No Headline or a Bad Headline
The headline is largely what grabs a person’s attention. If that communication element is missing or is too long and dispersed, expect poor response. Solution: Always have a headline that sums up your offer or its major benefit to your customer. And keep it as short as possible. “Smile with Your Mouth Open” is much better headline than “Cosmetic Dentistry That Enables You to Smile Un-Self-Consciously.”
3.) Not Choosing Complementary Images
A good headline with a correspondingly good image will do more than a good headline and a carelessly chosen image. Solution: Choose images that are bright, easy to comprehend, and support the message in your headline. For example, a postcard from an automotive repair shop might say “10% Off All Repairs in July.” An image of a smiling, satisfied-looking person looking out their driver’s window would be much more effective than a shot of the outside of the shop.
4.) Not Targeting the Right Prospects
A lawn care company mailing their postcards to apartment dwellers can expect to have quiet phones. Solution: Your own mailing list, of current and past customers, is the most reliable avenue to response. If you haven’t got a list yet, or want to build up your existing one with targeted prospects, you can do so easily with services like USPS’ Every Door Direct Mail or Nielsen PRIZM.
5.) Not Keeping It Simple
The function of good postcard is to grab your prospect’s attention and increase their interest—quickly. It isn’t a place to be clever or long-winded, explaining everything you can do. Solution: Present one offer. Use simple, direct language—short words and short sentences. Employ bullet points to make it a faster read. Tell them what to do next (call to action).
6.) Not Giving Complete Contact Information
Sounds ridiculous that a business would neglect to put all their contact info (including company name) on a postcard but these things get overlooked enough times that it’s worth mentioning. Solution: Include your telephone, email, website, fax, and return address, as well as the name(s) of anyone the prospect should ask for, if applicable.
7.) Not Repeating the Message
It would be great if you could go to gym just once, pump some iron and stay ripped for the rest of your life, right? But that’s not how it works for your body or for your marketing. Repetition is the absolute key to sales and more sales. Solution: Prepare to send out your postcards to your list regularly. Repetition makes your company real and legitimate to your prospects. It establishes credibility.
Keeping an eye on all of these small details will result in better postcards that get better response.
Visit www.prospectsplus.com/pei for the most goof-proof postcard design experience. Use your own design or our customizable template for a totally professional look. Then mail it to a targeted list, right from your computer.
Or you can call the experts at Opportunity Knocks at 1 (866) 319-7109 and tell them what you need. When it comes to designing and mailing highly targeted postcards for you, these guys are not goofing around.