For how long have you been thinking about using postcards to promote and market your business?
Still thinking about it? Sometimes, we end up thinking about all the “what-if’s” instead of taking action.
There are probably plenty of reasons for not doing something that you want to do or suspect you need to do (such as marketing with direct mail). But it usually boils down to fear of loss: loss of money, loss of time, loss of reputation…perhaps even loss of control because you don’t know what’s going to happen.
But rather than ask “why,” let’s look at reasons to stop thinking about direct response marketing with postcards and just start doing it:
1.) Anything Is Better Than Nothing
Imagine you were a totally new business sending out your first advertisement to completely cold prospects. That would be kind of scary. You would probably have no idea what kind of message to write, what kind of offer to present, which call to action would be most effective, or what kind of images to use.
So what? Just put something together and send it out. You might get a lot of response or not so much. If you don’t get any, then at least you’ll have discovered one thing that doesn’t work, and you’d be closer to generating some leads than you were before you sent those cards. Whatever responses you get, identify why people responded and strengthen that in your next campaign.
But chances are that you’re not a totally new business. You probably know a thing or two about your customers and what they respond to. If you’re not using direct mail but are using other forms of advertising, apply what’s already working in your other ads to your postcard campaign.
Any promotion you do is better than sitting around wondering if it will work. Each postcard, whether a “success” or a “failure” moves you ahead towards better results and more leads.
2.) It Won’t Break Your Bank
How much does it cost to market with postcards? It’s much less expensive than you think and more effective, too. (We’ll get to that in a second). But, rather than tease you, we’ll tell you: You can get totally professional, full-color postcards printed for as little as $0.17 each. (If you’d like more details, you can download our pricing schedule.
3.) Direct Mail Works
Studies from both the US and UK show that direct mail makes the recipient feel more valued, creates a more authentic connection and lasting impression than digital advertising. Does that translate into leads and sales? It does with postcards, as 79% of postcard recipients respond immediately, compared to only 45% of email recipients.
There’s also a Canadian study that utilizes brain-imaging and eye-tracking (science!) to come to the same conclusions.
So there’s three big reasons why it’s better to do your first postcard campaign than to continuing wondering about it: direct mail works, it’s affordable, and any direct mail you send is always better than none.
Right now, you could log on to www.prospectsplus.com/pei and find out for yourself (instead of, y’know…thinking about it) how easy it to create your first postcard campaign with our customizable templates. You can even handle the mailing online.
Or, give Opportunity Knocks a call at 1 (866) 319-7109 and talk to one of our expert marketers about your campaign. They’ll work with you and with our design pros to create an effective postcard campaign (What do you think of that?).