Marketing is showing your customers how you solve their problems
Sometimes getting good at marketing means getting out of your own way. As expert of your own business, you’ve got more industry knowledge and acronyms than you could shake a stick at, but what does that mean to your customer? Next to nothing!
Far better to flip things around and talk to them simply about what they’re interested in, which is their own problems. If you’re a landscaper, you should be talking about how you can save them from spending their Sundays mowing the lawn, or can keep those agapanthus alive. If you’re a handyman, you should be focused on fixing those mind-numbing leaks and creaks. For dentists, it’s all about their smile. You get the picture!
We have a simple formula that you can follow for all of your advertising to make sure that you’re focused on speaking to the customer on their own terms, and it’s called Problem – Cause – Solution – Benefit (PCSB). When small businesses switch from talking about what they want to addressing what their customers want, they increase their marketing response rates dramatically increase. 2x, 4x, 8x.
Present a solution to your customers’ problems in this order:
- Problem: What’s the issue that you solve for the customer? If we take the example of being a roofing contractor, your customers’ rooves have leaks, holes, aging shingles, gaps, or cracked tiles.
- Cause: Why are they having that problem? Mostly, its age or weather related. Perhaps a large storm came through and ripped sections of shingles off, or maybe hundreds of pounds of snow led to leakage, or perhaps it’s just grown old and hasn’t been maintained in twenty years. Or, just maybe, the customer doesn’t know if anything is even wrong and needs help finding out!
- Solution: What solution are you offering to the problem? You can inspect their roof, determine if there’s damage or danger, and then repair it either by restoring sections or pulling it all off and starting with a new roof.
- Benefit: This is how they’ll feel after they buy, and it’s the primary reason that they’re willing to give up money for it. Your customer will have ultimate peace of mind that they don’t have to worry that the next storm will damage their house, which is the biggest investment most people will ever own!
What does this look like in a postcard when we put it all together?
Here’s the breakdown:
Problem: Roof damage
Cause: July’s storms
Solution: Jim will inspect and repair it
Benefit: You have peace of mind!
And there you have it! Problem-Cause-Solution-Benefit format allows you to logically align the benefits of your products or services with the problems that your customers face!
What better way to put your knowledge into practice than to apply it right now? With our web-to-print platform (including all the stock photos you’ll need) you can get your postcard campaign out in 15 minutes!
If you have any trouble with it, give us a ring at 1 (877) 222-6010!
Wish you could hire someone to run marketing?
Look no further, Opportunity Knocks is a full-service marketing agency powered by some of the best SMB marketers in the industry, and they cost only a fraction of what it would take to bring on a new employee. Give them a call at 1 (866) 319-7109 and see what they can do for you!