Is it the new year already? 2017 is nothing but a blank slate ahead of you and this is the year that you’re going to really blow those revenue goals out of the water!
To maximize your ROI, we’ll start you off with some seasonal planning. Marketing is all about getting the right message to the person at the right time, and paying attention to the seasons helps you get that timing part right.
Seasons still affect our lives dramatically and when they change, consumers’ needs and interests change along with them. If you can adapt your marketing to reflect these changes, you’ll have a lot more success than if you beat the same drum all year round.
To do this, just create your own list of how the seasons affect your own customers’ food, travel, shopping and home needs!
Here are some seasonal marketing ideas to start with:
Winter is characterized by cold weather, holiday parties, and family travel. We’re in the heart of it right now but here’s what to be thinking about for next year:
- Food: Offer people the sweet stuff: they’ll consume more desserts, cakes, and food this season, and might need help catering their parties.
- Travel: People are going three places during the holidays: to see family, to see the snow, or to escape the snow. Help them with travel services that speak to one of those three.
- Shopping: This is the season of holiday gift-giving and people buy more when they’re buying for others. Help them with gift ideas and take advantage of shopping holidays like Black Friday.
- Home: Winter season is when appliances, plumbing, and septic systems break. Help customers by doing preventative inspections and emergency repairs.
Spring is when everyone sheds their heavy layers, gets outdoors, and plans for the Summer. Spring starts on Monday March 20 this year.
- Food: Customer preferences switch from hearty foods to lighter ones. Adjust your menus and advertising accordingly.
- Travel: Spring is a slow time for traveling, but it’s when people plan their summer vacations. Help them by suggesting where to go.
- Shopping: A dramatic change of attire is in order as things warm up. People will need to buy a new wardrobe and in large urban areas, will need storage for their winter clothes and snow-sport gear.
- Home: With the sun out, people look outside once more. Help them with lawn-care and home repair projects to get things into shape for summer.
Summer is when the kids are out of school, everyone is traveling, and people gather outdoors. Summer starts on Wednesday, June 21 this year.
- Food: Increased tourism means peak restaurant season, so ramp up your advertising. With warmer outdoors, help people pack for BQQ’s and home gatherings.
- Travel: With the kids off from school, families travel to local landmarks, resorts, and destinations. Packaged, all-inclusive offerings with something for everyone in the family are popular.
- Shopping: Retailers can reap the rewards outfitting beach and party-goers, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology reports that consumers are likely to purchase more of everything in a warm environment.
- Home: Summer is the season for maximum heat and demand for ways to cool down, from AC unit repair to fans and pool cleaning.
Fall is when cool weather coaxes people back indoors and marks the beginning of school and holiday season. Fall begins on Friday September 22 this year.
- Food: Fall is a great time for restaurants, grocers, and anyone in the food business because consumer food palates return to heartier meals. Attract customers with autumn offerings such as Starbucks’ notorious pumpkin spice latte and Panera’s fall menu.
- Travel: Like spring, fall is an in-between season but it’s when most families plan their holiday travels and make ticket purchases.
- Shopping: Back to school season is a major driver for retailers, as is the start of the holiday season and the return of cold weather.
- Home: In anticipation of winter, yards will need to be winterized and families will prepare for the holidays with home decorations.
What then? It all starts over again! Set these dates in your calendar and keep your marketing as fresh as the seasons.
If you’ve got a few ideas for late winter or early spring, get them rolling now with a simple postcard campaign. Just choose from a template, upload your logo, and you’re off to a quick start in 2017 with highly effective seasonal marketing!
If you truly want to maximize the seasons, just call Opportunity Knocks at 1 (866) 319-7109 and they’ll implement a hands-free year-round plan for you.