Direct Mail Marketing News

4 Reasons To Outsource Your Direct Mail Marketing

If this is not the first ProspectsPLUS! blog post you’ve ever read, please hang in there a for second, while we “preach to the choir.” For first-time readers, well…you’re the choir. And here comes the (short) sermon.

Despite what you’ve heard about direct mail marketing, it’s still widely used. Yes, it’s true that we live in “a digital world” and all of that; nevertheless, the statistics for direct mail response remain impressive and that’s reason enough for you to be using it.

Can we get an “Amen?”

So when you decide to market with postcards, outsource it to a direct mail marketing company (also called a “mail house”). Here’s four reasons why:

1.) The Convenience

Once upon a time, there were printing companies. You brought them your design and they converted it to a printable medium and then printed however many you needed. But when it came to mailing—mailing lists, addressing, etc.—you were on your own.

Later on, some printing companies began to offer in-house design services. These days, there are companies (like yours truly) that offer design, printing, and mailing all in one place. Some direct mail marketing companies (yes, yours truly again), allow you to do it all from your laptop or over the phone.

2.) The Cost

Unless you’re a particularly large corporation with continuous high-volume direct mail marketing needs, the cost of doing it in-house can be prohibitive. A direct mail house is already paying less for materials than you would because they purchase it in greater quantity. They subscribe to market-targeting services such as Nielsen PRIZM and others, the monthly or annual cost of which is usually beyond the budgets of most small businesses. You can even save on postage by going through a direct mail marketing company.

3.) The Time

Of course, if you wanted to, you could invest in the databases, digital design software, on-demand printing equipment and all the rest, take a couple years to learn how to use it all, then another couple years to learn to use it all well and then—okay, you get the point, right? A direct mail marketing company has already made the investment in state-of-the-art equipment and training. They’ll save you a lot of time.

4.) The Experts

Another thing about that investment in state-of-the-art equipment and training (mentioned above) is that it means your job is being handled by experts who know their job, move fast, and are able to routinely turn out top-level professional results. They make you and your company look great and are sure to know a few tricks to make your campaigns even more effective. (Go ahead, ask ’em….)


Make a cup of coffee or tea and log on to, where you can create a classy-looking post campaign using our customizable templates or your own design and handle the mailing, too—all before you reach the bottom of the cup.

If you’d rather enjoy that warm beverage away from a computer, give Opportunity Knocks a call at 1 (866) 319-7109, and have our experts handle the design and mailing of a professional, high-response postcard campaign.