Operating from the concept that less is more, short copy is sometimes the most effective way to get your message across. Short copy allows you to key in to what is critical for your target audience and when you’re working with a small space, such as a postcard, you’ve got to focus in on what really matters. What will paint a true picture of your offer? How it will benefit your customer? And why should they call right now! Here are some suggestions with proven success in converting your target audience into into loyal customers.
Understanding Your Target Audience
The real effort that goes into creating effective short copy should be done before you write the first word.
- Know what is important to your target audience.
- What makes them happy?
- What makes them mad?
- What is their biggest challenge?
- What keeps them awake at night?
Short copy is most effective when the audience is specific, limited, and targeted. Imagine you are addressing one specific person rather than broadcasting a general message to everyone. Drill down the specifics of that one optimal customer. Ask yourself who is most likely to buy your product or service and speak directly to that customer.
Realize the Power of One
When you understand the “power of one”, you can put together tight and compelling copy without the need for wordiness and fluff. Focus on one main idea and weave that idea through your entire piece.
Stay on track!
To determine your main idea, determine the biggest problem you can solve for your target audience and focus on that, free from other distractions. Avoid lengthy stories. If you must tell a story, paraphrase and shorten as much as possible! If the story works, keep it. If not, go with something else, such as a compelling quote from someone your target audience knows and trusts, or refer to a relevant current event.
Edit anything out of the copy that doesn’t support your main idea of solving the potential customer’s biggest problem.
Know Your Goal
Determine the goal or action you want your target audience to take. You may want them to visit a website or call a number for more information. You may want them to set an appointment, or you may want them to buy something. Whatever your goal, know what it is when you write your copy. Once you’ve established the goal, determine what it would take to convince your target audience to take that action.
The easiest way to drill down on your goal is to write the call to action first. This will give you a clear direction to proceed in before you write your copy.
Find the Deeper Benefit to Your Offer
Short copy will not allow you to emphasize every feature and benefit of your product or service. You’ll need to select the benefits that are most compelling to your target audience. Earlier, you determined the main idea for solving the customer’s biggest problem. Now you’re going to go ever further and determining the deeper benefit you offer. Here’s where you focus on how your product will solve their biggest problem, and why wouldn’t they want that?
Imagine you’re selling a fitness product; a workout DVD with resistance bands. Features might include a 30 minute DVD you can watch anywhere, and resistance bands for strength training. To tap into the emotions of your target audience, ask yourself, “so what?” You can answer that by understand the biggest benefit – a DVD can be watched anywhere; in the privacy of your own home, or while traveling. Resistance bands build muscle faster, meaning you’ll see results sooner and won’t have to work as hard for the same results as you would with a traditional workout.
Take a moment now to analyze the deeper benefit. For a younger person, it might be about being more toned and attractive. For an older person, it might be about maintaining good health and reducing the aches and pains that come with age.
Paint a picture that builds an emotional connection.
Put Customers at Ease with a Solid Guarantee
To improve the performance of short copy, include a rock solid guarantee. Anything that minimizes risk will help your target audience feel more comfortable to try your product or service, thereby increasing conversions. These could include a simple satisfaction guarantee, a risk-free trial, or a free trial offer.
Test It Out
Testing your copy is a must! By testing out your copy, you can see what works and be better prepared create good short copy on the next go around. Short copy is easy to edit and test, and small changes such as altering the headline or changing the font size can make a big difference.
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