Conventional thinking in most marketing circles is that nobody does direct mail marketing anymore, direct mail is too expensive, it doesn’t work in today’s dynamic, internet driven landscape.
These same thinkers say, shift your marketing budgets to social media, email, and the newest addition, mobile media.
Not so fast my friend!
According to studies done by the American Affluence Research Center, direct mail is probably the most cost-efficient method for reaching the truly affluent, i.e. the wealthiest U.S. households — These are the households with a net worth of $800,000 or more and incomes of 200,000 plus.
By coupling targeted data with the right message and a strong branded presence companies can be 100% sure they capture these more affluent consumers. These are the same consumers who don’t typically surf the web on a daily basis. They are the same group of consumers that are not glued to a computer screen updating their Facebook account. These are the consumers who have more disposable income and are more likely to purchase your products or services if they feel you’ve invested in them.
(Check out the Market Dominator’s impressive Affluent Marketing Program)
When I open my mail box each day, I see the proof that marketers have not yet abandoned direct mail. Both small businesses and giant corporations are still capturing consumers through this channel and increasing their brand awareness. I strongly believe that those marketers who are getting results through direct mail want their competitors to continue thinking that digital media is where they should spend their budgets. They want to make sure to keep the secret that direct mail can still be a powerful tool in the 21st century marketer’s arsenal.
Direct mail is still a very important vehicle to deliver sales directly, but it also works with other marketing platforms to connect with customers. For example, I may see a postcard in the mail quite frequently but never order by phone or mail, rather, I always go online to make my purchases.
Statistics from the Direct Marketing Association confirms the synergies between direct mail and other multi-channel strategies: “Fifteen percent of customers receiving a catalog and 12 percent receiving a letter, postcard or flyer from a company made a purchase on the company’s website at some point.”
It all comes down to the best way to get in the customer’s door and capture their attention. With the use of targeted data, direct mail will continue to score big with the largest, most affluent luxury market that is the baby boomer generation.
Need help, got questions or want someone do it all for you? Call Opportunity Knocks today at 1-866-319-7109 and they’ll get it set up. They’re a full-service marketing agency and their bread-and-butter is using these campaigns to drive crowds of new customers your way!