Direct Mail Marketing News

The 7 Step “Steady Marketing” Method

What’s the biggest danger to your sales? Is it the competition? The economy? Sharks?

None of the above!

The answer lies within your own office: it’s inconsistent marketing. Not sticking to a marketing plan is at the heart of every great marketing failure, from the miniature to the massive. This is because marketing messages and campaigns compound upon each other and when you give it a rest, leads that were close to calling go cold.

Think about it. When you give up after a few campaigns because you’re not seeing success, it’s like giving up on heating water because it never came to a boil. The next time you return to it, it will be cold, and you’ll be starting over from scratch. You’ll have dropped from your prospective customers’ radar and have lost warm leads to the competition.

“Don’t let this happen” is much easier said than done, we know, so here’s our 7 step foolproof consistency strategy for you to try out!

The 7 step steady-seller marketing plan:

  1. Keep it simple: Over complicated marketing plans are easily abandoned when the going gets rough. Cut your plan down to the minimum-viable necessary campaigns and channels. If you can’t measure the results of something, cut it.
  2. Keep it visible: Print out your simple marketing plan and post it somewhere visible in a public and highly trafficked area in your office. This keeps it top of mind and keeps you motivated to be consistent with the public plan.
  3. Create things in batches: Somewhat like shifting gears on the freeway, starting and stopping your marketing writing and creation causes a lot of friction. When you hop to something else, you start over in first gear. Instead, set aside blocks of several hours and channel all of that genius at once. Write all of your emails, blog posts, and postcard copy in contiguous sessions.
  4. Automate everything: You want to make the process as streamlined and effortless as possible, and much of the technology is completely free. Use your calendar to set reminders to create content, use your email system to schedule emails ahead of time, and set your postcard campaigns up with multiple sends so that you can get it all done at once and then sit back for the remainder of the month. You can go even further and trigger postcards off of events like birthdays, purchase anniversaries, and new homeowner arrivals.
  5. Re-purpose good content: This is where laziness and genius start to converge: you can actually start to accomplish more by doing less through re-using successful taglines and images. It gives your marketing consistency and it becomes more memorable through repetition.
  6. Measure your results: Nothing will train you to keep up your marketing like seeing the positive impact of your efforts. By asking every customer how they found you and tracing online and postcard leads back to their origins you can make the connection between effort and payoff tangible and the process more fun.
  7. Stick to your plan! The best way to create accountability around your marketing plan is get someone’s help in keeping you honest. Find a business partner, spouse, or friend and give them some amount of money to donate to a charity that you dislike if you fail to keep it up.

What do consistent people get to see? The water boiling over with leads of course! It doesn’t take very long to get excited and realize that a continuous marketing effort is the surest way to generate the consistent sales that you need.

Take 15 minutes to get your quick win out of the way for today and fire off a 3-touch postcard marketing campaign; Even borrow our images to get it done!

Want a coach to keep you honest?

The ultimate form of consistent marketing is letting someone do it all for you. Call Opportunity Knocks today at 1 (866) 319-7109 to set up your free evaluation and calculate the ROI total freedom!